Rabu, 3 Oktober 2012

Forum KUPU SB jelas kepentingan pendidikan ugama

Oleh Hasrulraizan
 Hajah Tiara Haji Basman.
BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, 1 Okt - Ke arah menjelaskan betapa pentingnya pendidikan ugama itu dalam menangani isu-isu sosial semasa, Fakulti Usuluddin dan Fakulti Syariah, Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan (KUPU SB) akan mengadakan Forum Perdana bertajuk "Peranan Ilmu Ugama Dalam Menangani Permasalahan Semasa".

Forum Perdana Sempena Majlis Konvokesyen Kedua KUPU SB 1433H/2012 berkenaan akan diadakan pada pukul petang 3 Oktober ini di Dewan Persidangan, BRIDEX, Jerudong, umum Penolong Setiausaha Forum Perdana berkenaan, Hajah Tiara Haji Basman.

Dalam temu bual eksklusif bersama Media Permata pagi ini, beliau menjelaskan antara objektifnya diadakan juga ialah untuk meningkatkan kefahaman masyarakat umum bahawa ajaran ugama Islam merangkumi semua aspek kehidupan duniawi dan ukhrawi, selain bagi mendukung dan merealisasikan hasrat Negara Zikir.

Tidak kurang pentingnya, ia juga berobjektif untuk menjelaskan kepentingan al-Quran dan al-Sunnah sebagai sumber rujukan ummah dan mazhab Ahli Sunah Wal-Jamaah sebagai pegangan dalam menangani permasalahan semasa, tambahnya.

Beliau menjelaskan bahawa Forum Perdana itu diadakan untuk memeriahkan lagi Majlis Konvokesyen Kedua KUPUSB dan menjadikannya sebagai satu aktiviti yang memberikan manfaat kepada semua pihak terutama masyarakat umum.
Daripada 500 peserta yang dijemput untuk menghadiri Forum Perdana berkenaan, 100 daripadanya diperuntukkan untuk orang awam yang berminat, secara percuma, jelas beliau.

"Bagi orang ramai yang ingin menghadiri Forum Perdana berkenaan sebagai peserta bolehlah mendaftar dengan menghubungi Ustazah Ruziah Abdul Karim di talian 8630056 ataupun Awang Hadi Asrul Haji Othman di talian 2225227 sambungan 403."

Menurutnya lagi orang ramai yang berminat pun boleh terus datang mendaftar di Dewan Persidangan, BRIDEX sebelum pukul 2.00 petang 3 Oktober, iaitu sebelum Forum Perdana itu dimulakan.

Hajah Tiara kemudiannya memberi peringatan kepada semua peserta supaya memakai pakaian kebangsaan di sepanjang menghadiri Forum Perdana itu nanti, dan menambah kata bahawa tempat letak kereta adalah disediakan untuk kesemua peserta.
Seramai 400 orang peserta lagi terdiri dari kalangan tenaga akademik dan bukan akademik KUPU SB, pelajar KUPU SB, pegawai/pensyarah dari UBD, UNISSA dan ITB, para pegawai dari Jabatan Pengajian Islam dan Kementerian Pendidikan, guru-guru besar, guru/pegawai sekolah-sekolah Arab dan Kementerian Pendidikan, serta para pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi lain, jelasnya.

Beliau mendedahkan bahawa tiga orang ahli panel Forum Perdana itu nanti ialah Profesor Madya Kunjungan, Fakulti Syariah, KUPU SB, Profesor Madya Syed Ahmad Syed Hussain, Pensyarah Kanan, Fakulti Usuluddin, KUPU SB, Hajah Zaliha Haji Ibrahim dan Pensyarah, Institut Pendidikan Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, UBD, Dr Haji Adanan Haji Basar.

Akan mempengerusikan Forum Perdana berkenaan ialah Pensyarah Fakulti Pendidikan KUPU SB, Awang Zulkifli Haji Zakaria, ujarnya lanjut.
- Media Permata - 02 Oktober 2012

Selasa, 2 Oktober 2012

Parents face $5,000 fine, jail if children miss religious education

Azlan Othman
Minister of Religious Affairs Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Dr Hj Mohammad speaks during the media briefing. - AZLAN OTHMAN
It is obligatory for every Muslim child - aged seven years and above and until the age of 15 - who resides in Brunei Darussalam to be enrolled in pre-school and primary religious education.

This is part of the Compulsory Religious Education Order 2012 highlighted by His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam during the recent Teacher's Day titah. The order comes into force beginning January 1, 2013.

The order also emphasises mandatory religious education for children born on or after January 1, 2006 and at least one of the parents is a Brunei citizen or permanent resident.

This was revealed yesterday by the Minister of Religious Affairs, Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Dr Hj Mohammad bin Pengiran Hj Abdul Rahman to the media.

The interpretation of the order also means that the child must have fulfilled all the requirements to join pre-school and primary religious education. Religious education means an education in accor-dance with Ahli Sunnah Wal Jama'ah.

The order among others also underlines the obligatory responsibility of parents to register his/her child at a religious school on January 1 for the school term and to ensure that the child is registered in a religious school in that year and continues to be a student throughout the duration of the compulsory religious education.

Parents who fail to do so are deemed to commit an offence under Section 5 (2) and if found guilty would face a fine of not more than $5,000, an imprisonment not exceeding one year or both.

The religious education that a child has to attend in a religious school is for seven years. The child completes the education between seven and eight years.

His Majesty during the Teacher's Day titah announced that a special order will be enacted called Compulsory Religious Education Order 2012 that comes into force beginning January 1, 2013.

"We welcome the titah and the ministry is ready to implement His Majesty's call. It needs cooperation and full commitment from all parties in the country to uphold it for it to become successful.

"The order will be a milestone for the Government of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam through the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Islamic Education Institute in realising religious education in this country," Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Dr Hj Mohammad added.

The minister also said the order would certainly be in line with the country's philosophy - Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB).

"As a country that truly embraces Islamic teachings to seek blessings from Allah (the Almighty), the order sets a firm foundation for the present children and our future generation. This is in line with the Malay maxim 'Melentur buluh biarlah dari rebung nya' (which literally means 'Bend a bamboo when it is still a shoot').

"Hence if our children already know about the creator, whom we turn to in this world, by Allah the Almighty's Will, our children will grow up and become clean, strong and 'Tawadhu' Muslim.

"The impact would not only be felt by the family and the community but also the country as the nation would also be blessed with peace and prosperity by Allah the Almighty. This is because these individuals remember Allah the Almighty and carry out all good deeds and shun all the bad things. This is the impact that we are hoping for in the long-term through the implementation of the order.

"With such an order, by Allah the Almighty's Will, there won't be an individual who wouldn't know how to pray, could not perform ablution, not good at self-cleanliness, unable to read al-Quran and Jawi, doesn't know about fasting and so on. Issues of children dropping out from religious education would not occur," said the minister.

This indicates the strong determination of His Majesty who is pious and follows Islamic teachings and has fulfilled the responsibility of making his subjects feel safe now and in the days of the hereafter.

Before the order is implemented in January, the Islamic Education Department under the Ministry of Religious Affairs has outlined plans to disseminate the order to the community through road shows.

During the media briefing, it was also highlighted that non-Muslim children would also be welcome to enroll for religious education.

-Borneo Bulletin Online -  September 27. 2012 - Thursday.


Denda jika tak daftar anak sekolah ugama

Oleh Hasrulraizan
Yang Berhormat Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohammad semasa sidang media menjelaskan mengenai Perintah Pendidikan Ugama Wajib 2012 di Kementerian Hal Ehwal Ugama kelmarin.
BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, 26 Sept - Hukuman denda maksimum $5,000 atau penjara maksimum setahun atau kedua-duanya sekali akan dikenakan kepada ibu bapa yang gagal mendaftarkan anak-anak mereka bersekolah ugama ketika Perintah Pendidikan Ugama Wajib 2012 dikuatkuasakan pada 1 Januari 2013 nanti.

Kanak-kanak yang terkandung di dalam perintah itu ialah kanak-kanak berumur wajib bersekolah ugama, yang berugama Islam, lahir pada atau selepas 1 Januari 2006, tinggal di Negara Brunei Darussalam dan kedua ibu bapanya atau salah seorang daripada mereka adalah warganegara Negara Brunei Darussalam atau penduduk tetap.

Menurut Menteri Hal Ehwal Ugama, Yang Berhormat Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohammad Pengiran Haji Abdul Rahman, bagi warganegara asing atau yang bukan berugama Islam adalah masih dialu-alukan belajar di sekolah ugama sebagaimana yang berjalan pada masa ini namun tidak terkandung di dalam perintah berkenaan.
Bercakap pada sidang media di Kementerian Hal Ehwal Ugama (KHEU) petang ini, Yang Berhormat Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohammad berkata, dengan adanya akta perintah berkenaan, ia menjadi satu mercu tanda kejayaan kerajaan Negara Brunei Darussalam melalui KHEU dan Jabatan Pengajian Islam (JPI) dalam merealisasikan pendidikan ugama di negara ini.

"Perintah Pendidikan Ugama Wajib 2012 ini sudah tentu akan menjadi salah satu tapak semaian yang baik dan sangat sesuai untuk kesuburan dan pertumbuhan falsafah Negara Melayu Islam Beraja di negara kita ini."
Beliau menjelaskan, antara tafsiran dalam perintah itu ialah "kanak-kanak yang berumur wajib bersekolah ugama" bermakna seorang kanak-kanak Islam yang berumur 7 tahun atau ke atas yang belum lagi mencapai umur 15 tahun dan yang memenuhi syarat-syarat untuk mendapat pendidikan ugama pra sekolah dan rendah.
Katanya, Pendidikan Ugama bermakna pendidikan ugama mengikut ajaran Islam menurut Ahli Sunnah Wal-Jamaah.
Menurutnya lagi, perintah itu juga menyatakan tanggungjawab ibu bapa bahawa tiap-tiap ibu bapa hendaklah, jika anaknya adalah seorang kanak-kanak yang berumur wajib bersekolah ugama pada 1 Januari dalam tahun bersekolah semasa, memastikan bahawa anaknya itu didaftarkan sebagai seorang murid di sebuah sekolah ugama pada tahun itu dan terus menjadi seorang murid bagi tempoh pendidikan ugama wajib.

Yang Berhormat Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohammad seterusnya berkata, ibu bapa yang gagal menjalankan tanggungjawabnya tersebut adalah melakukan suatu kesalahan.

Beliau kemudiannya menjelaskan, "tempoh pendidikan ugama wajib" bermakna tempoh pendidikan ugama yang disediakan di sesebuah sekolah ugama yang dirancang untuk selama 7 tahun tetapi boleh tamat antara 7 dan 8 tahun.

Menyentuh mengenai hukuman yang dikenakan bagi orang yang melakukan kesalahan, menurutnya perintah itu menyatakan bahawa mana-mana orang yang melakukan suatu kesalahan di bawah Bab 5(2) boleh jika sabit kesalahan dikenakan suatu denda tidak melebihi dari $5,000, dihukum penjara bagi suatu tempoh tidak melebihi dari satu tahun atau kedua-duanya sekali.

"Insya Allah di masa depan tidak akan timbul lagi soal individu yang tidak pandai bersolat dan berwudhu, tidak pandai thaharah (kesucian diri), tidak pandai membaca Al-Quran, tidak pandai jawi, tidak mengetahui sah batal puasa dan seumpamanya, dan tidak akan timbul lagi mereka yang tercicir dari pendidikan ugama.

"Semuanya itu adalah berkat keazaman yang tinggi dan kuat dari raja kita yang beriman penuh kepada Allah dan cinta kepada ajaran Islam, yang telah menunaikan tanggungjawabnya dengan sempurna dan ingin membawa rakyat Baginda sama-sama selamat di dunia dan di akhirat.

"Sebelum ia dilaksanakan pada 1 Januari 2013, JPI, KHEU telah pun mengatur rancangan untuk memberigakan perkara ini kepada masyarakat, khasnya membuat jerayawara. Mudah-mudahan dengan itu ia akan dapat difahami dan dilaksana dengan sempurna dan berjaya."

Sidang Media berkenaan diadakan adalah sebagai respons KHEU kepada titah Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam sewaktu Majlis Sambutan Hari Guru pada 24 September baru-baru ini yang antara lain bertitah mengumumkan seperti berikut:
"Maka dengan kemahuan Beta, satu undang-undang khas telah digubal yang dikenali sebagai Perintah Pendidikan Ugama Wajib 2012. Undang-undang ini akan dikuatkuasakan mulai 1 Januari 2013".

Yang Berhormat Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohammad berkata, "Kita bersyukur ke hadarat Allah Ta'ala, dan menyambut dengan perasaan sukacita akan titah Baginda di atas, serta menyatakan akan kesediaan kita untuk menjunjung dan melaksanakan dengan segala daya upaya akan kehendak titah itu, yang setentunya memerlukan kerjasama dan komitmen penuh semua pihak dalam negara untuk mendukungnya sehingga berjaya.
Media Permata Online - Khamis, 27 September 2012

Focus on spiritual intelligence key to becoming top uni

Low Leng May

Wednesday, September 26, 2012
SHAPING individuals to be 'spiritually-intelligent' in addition to other types of intelligences is the key to establishing Seri Begawan Religious Teachers University College (KUPU SB) as a world-class university in the field of Islamic studies.

This was pointed out by the Head coordinator of Al-Quran in the Core Education Centre of KUPU SB, Hasan Manurung, in his working paper entitled "Opportunity to Globalise KUPU SB: Let's realise it".

In his paper, Hasan outlined recommendations on how KUPU SB could boost its status as a university and obtain global recognition, noting that KUPU SB will achieve its status as a full fledged university "soon".

A world-class university does not focus solely on classroom education, but gains knowledge off campus through field studies, Hasan pointed out in his paper.

"A world class university does not just prioritise intelligence, rather...allows for the development of spiritual intelligence," he said.

This world is becoming more complex and demands wisdom not just in intellect and emotional intelligence, but also requires the support of spiritual intelligence, he said.

According to him, spiritual intelligence allows one to combine their body, mind and soul while enabling them to transcend the physical. It also allows one to experience high level of consciousness and use their spiritual resources to solve problems, he added.

To that, Hasan highlighted the role of educators in shaping their students into individuals who are able to navigate into success in the future.

He called for an improvement in teaching practices and field research in order to increase the capability of the college.

"The success of the university and its students to conduct research will, in the future, possess the potential to be a great reference and hence, the university will receive a lot of references for the academic community."

Student training, he said, must have a creative perspective. This can be done through partnerships with international partners to allow the university to gain regional and international perspectives in issues of Islamic studies, he added.

Additionally, Hasan said an increase of teaching staff should be the main focus in improving the university as they represent the backbone of the educational institute to producing great individuals.

He also called for the improvement and increase in facilities and resources such as copies of Al-Quran for the use of the students.

Participants attending the opening of the 9th Regional Discourse on Islamic Discourse at Centrepoint Hotel, Gadong. Picture: BT/Md Asdeny Yakub

The Brunei Times 

Regional discourse to improve Islamic education system

Rabiatul Kamit

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

THE 9th Regional Discourse on Islamic Education is being held for the first time in Brunei.

In his opening remarks during at The Centrepoint Hotel, Gadong, Minister of Religious Affairs Yang Berhormat Pg Dato Seri Setia Dr Hj Muhammad Pg Hj Abd Rahman hoped that the two-day discourse event would lead to the establishment of a "proper and comprehensive" Islamic education system in the region.

 Minister of Religious Affairs YB Pg Dato Dr Hj Muhammad (L) and the Ra'es of KUPU SB Ustazah Dr Hjh Masnon (2nd L) during the opening ceremony of the 9th Wacana Pendidikan Islam. Picture: BT/Md Asdeny Yakub
"I hope this discourse can formulate the best methods and contents (towards the creation of an Islamic education system) in the interests of over 250 million Muslims," he said.

The minister elaborated that an Islamic education system is imperative towards the preservation of Islamic principles, such as aqidah (faith), syakhsiah (character) and akhlak (morality) alongside the upholding of Syariah law, for the future generations to come.

"The solution, of course, lies in providing them with a solid and complete Islamic education system," he told the audience.

YB Pg Dato Dr Hj Mohammad also believes that an Islamic education system will serve to protect Muslims from widespread negative influences that are contrary to Islam, which are found in "false and deviant" teachings.

He further stressed on the importance of Arabic language as a key element of a "solid and complete" Islamic education system in accordance to the Quran.

"That's why there is a need to increase the number of modern Arabic-stream schools that teach both duniawi (secular) and ukhrawi (religious) knowledge in every country within the region," he said.

According to the minister, Brunei is presently moving towards such an education system with the introduction of the 21st Century National Education System (SPN21) over the past several years.

In the SPN21 framework, the Islamic Religious Knowledge (IRK) subject is compulsory alongside science and other general subjects, while sixth form students are provided with the opportunity to study Usuluddin (religious teachings) and Syariah law.

Apart from Arabic-stream schools, the Sultanate also established the Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Al-Quran Tahfiz Institute (ITQSHHB) tasked with producing skilled Quran reciters and memorisers.

"With the Compulsory Religious Education Order 2012 that was announced on Monday, insyaAllah, all the Muslim children in this country will receive a complete Islamic education from primary one to six at all religious schools," he said.

YB Pg Dato Hj Mohammad also lauded the 9th Regional Discourse on Islamic Education and its theme of "Enhancing Regional Islamic Education and Arabic Language".

The discourse event, which is a collaborative effort between Seri Begawan Religious Teachers University College (KUPU SB) and National University of Malaysia (UKM), aims to serve as a platform for the discussion of issues pertaining to Islamic education.

Up to 60 working papers from Malaysian and regional academics, including Brunei, were presented during the two-day discourse event which will end today. The Brunei Times 

Religious study must from next year Order will enhance students' ability in studying Quran: HM

Amir Noor

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

HIS Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam introduced the Compulsory Religious Education Order 2012 yesterday which will take effect from January 1, 2013.

Delivering his titah during yesterday's 22nd Teacher's Day celebration, His Majesty said that this order would equip Muslim students throughout the nation with the necessary knowledge and skills to properly read Al-Quran and carry out their prayers.

The monarch said "Ugama and Umum" (Religion and General) still remained a part of the nation's education system, however, many have overprioritised general education to the point of leaving out religion.

"In this regard, Brunei has also experienced the 'forgot' syndrome by letting itself not have "Religious Obligation" school system for about 50 years, an act that is very regrettable."

With the introduction of the Compulsory Religious Education Order 2012, the monarch hoped Muslim children would be well equipped with the core knowledge and understanding of Islamic knowledge.

His Majesty's titah also emphasised the need for improvement in the primary and secondary subjects of Mathematics and Language in achieving the basic level of proficiency as a solid foundation to pursue secondary and higher education.

This was linked to the monarch's desire for more local teachers to carry out enhancement of these two subjects where he underscored that Language was not only limited to English but also to Bahasa Melayu. Test and examination results have proven that student grades are lower when compared to English.

"If this is true, why is Bahasa Melayu not strengthened? Remember, our language is the soul of the nation," he said.

Acknowledging the Ministry of Education's effort to elevate education through international best practices including the implementation of projects such as the Model Schools and Learning Educators Advancing Pedagogy for the 21st Century (LEAP21), His Majesty said that the dimensions absorbed in the former were expected to result in excellent students in their respective fields.

Some of the dimensions he mentioned were autonomy in governance, better relations with the community, changes in school culture and teacher capacity building among the best practices contained in the project.

In the field of technical education, His Majesty hopes that the current survey will be examined for the implementation of a strategic plan, needed in achieving technical education's goal.

This includes, if needed, the involvement of industry officials and entrepreneurs in sharing their experience and expertise.

"Towards this, the Ministry of Education must look at the Technical Education services scheme and provide innovations in enabling the workforce within the industry to become a teaching force in technical education institutes, whether part-time or full-time," he said.

On the occasion of the 22nd Teacher's Day celebration, His Majesty wished all teachers a "Happy Teacher's Day" in the hope of their continued determination to provide educational services and help in nation's growth.

He also took the opportunity to thank the students and participants of the 66 Khatam Al-Quran ceremonies organised in conjunction with His Majesty's 66th birthday.

His Majesty commended such efforts as being assistive towards birthing a knowledgeable and religious model (model insan).

The Brunei Times

Perintah Pendidikan Ugama Wajib 2012 berkuat kuasa mulai 1 Januari 2013

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Isnin, 24 September. - Satu undang-undang khas telah digubal yang dikenali sebagai Perintah Pendidikan Ugama Wajib 2012 yang akan berkua tkuasa mulai 1 Januari 2013.

Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar 'Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam bertitah mengumumkan penggubalan undang-undang tersebut semasa Majlis Sambutan Hari Guru Ke-22 Bagi Tahun 1433 Hijriah/2012 Masihi, berlangsung di Pusat Persidangan Antarabangsa, Berakas.

"Dengan berjalannya undang-undang ini, insya-Allah, tidaklah akan ada lagi kanak-kanak Islam di negara ini yang akan tercicir dari memahami dan mengetahui ilmu asas pendidikan Islam. Tidak akan ada lagi orang yang tidak pandai sembahyang dan membaca Al-Qur'an," titah baginda.

Terdahulu Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia bertitah bahawa dalam pendidikan itu terdapat dua unsur iaitu Ugama dan Umum yang sangat perlu diperhatikan di mana orang-orang sering lupa dan malah terlajak mengutamakan yang Umum sahaja, sehingga tertinggal atau tercicirlah Ugama.

Dalam hubungan ini, titah baginda lagi Brunei sendiri turut mengalami sindrom 'lupa' itu dengan membiarkan dirinya tidak mempunyai sistem persekolahan 'Wajib Ugama' selama kira-kira 50 tahun, suatu ketelanjuran yang amat dikesalkan.
(Oleh : Hezlinawati Haji Abdul Karim) 

Pelita Brunei Online - 25 September 2012


Khamis, 27 September 2012

Religious studies compulsory for all Muslim students

Aziz Idris
His Majesty delivers the titah.

His Majesty presents Sultan Haji Omar 'Ali Saifuddien award to YAM Pengiran Setia Negara Pengiran Haji Mohd Yusof bin Pengiran Haji Abdul Rahim.

His Majesty is all smiles as he speaks to students posing in various animal costumes. - PHOTOS: DEAN KASSIM
A new Education Order will come into effect January 1, 2013 as His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam consented to enact the "Compulsory Religious Education Order 2012", which focuses on religious studies to be made compulsory for all Muslim students in the country.

His Majesty made the announcement in his titah yesterday during the 22nd Teacher's Day celebration at the International Convention Centre in Berakas.

The monarch said he was confident that with the enforcement of the new order "Insha Allah, not one Muslim child in this country will be left out from understanding the basic Islamic knowledge. There would also be no one who will not know how to perform prayer or read the Quran".

His Majesty explained that in education, there are two fundamental elements - religion and general (studies) - whereby people so often prioritise only general (studies) and forget the religious aspect.

The ruler said it is regrettable for the country not to have a compulsory religious educational system even after almost 50 years.

His Majesty then highlighted current issues, the development of primary and secondary education before zeroing in on the progress of technical education.

With regards to development in primary and secondary education, the ruler said, "In my observation, and from results gathered from my working visits to government schools (primary and secondary), students' proficiency in Mathematics and English subjects, although progressing steadily, still has room for improvement.

"This is important, since the basic level of proficiency acts as a strong base for students to continue their studies in secondary level or higher."

In view of this, efforts must be intensified to overcome the shortages of local teachers who teach both - Mathematics and Language, pointed the ruler.

But when the ruler said 'language', it is not limited to merely 'English' but also 'Malay'. His Majesty said he heard rumours that exami-nation marks in the Malay Language tend to be lower than that of English Language.

"If the rumours are true, then why the Malay Language is not strengthened?" asked His Majesty. "Remember, language is the soul of the nation."

His Majesty then spelt out some initiatives that are being actively pursued by the Ministry of Education in order to enhance education through international best practices including the implementation of projects such as the Model Schools and Learning Educators Advancing Pedagogy for 21st Century (LEAP21).

Some of the salient aspects of the Model Schools include the autonomy in administrative management, the relationship with the community, changes in school culture, and capacity building for teachers. These are among the best practices that have been initiated, said the ruler.

His Majesty expressed his hope that these initiatives will help students excel in their respective fields.

The monarch then moved onto the progress that has been achieved in field of technical education whereby an in-depth research is currently under way and will be examined before its implementation.

"A strategic plan should be developed for the purpose of achieving the technical education. This includes, if necessary, direct involvement by the industry and operators to enable them to share their experience and expertise," suggested the ruler.

His Majesty called on the Ministry of Education to look at service scheme for technical education and provide innovation to enable the workforce in this industry to become instructors in technical education institutions, either part-time or full-time.

His Majesty then commended the aptness of this year's theme 'Quality Teachers Innovative Learners'. "The theme clearly states that the capacity of teachers that is required and their role in producing students who are more progressive.

"In my opinion, the quality of teachers matters in various subjects and they should lead by example for students to emulate. They should possess sincere attitude and be efficient and rich in knowledge in educating students to become knowledgeable."

In conjunction with the Teacher's Day celebration, His Majesty also extended his appreciation to all teachers in the country. "Hopefully, the celebration can continuously ignite the passion among teachers in contributing their service as educators."

His Majesty also took the opportunity to acknowledge the involvement of all students from both public and private schools under the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Religious Affairs for the 66-time Khatam Al-Quran, especially dedicated to His Majesty for his 66th birthday celebration last July.

Such an activity, according to His Majesty, will help produce role models who are both knowledgeable and faithful to the religion.
 - Borneo Bulletin - September 25, 2012 Tuesday

Wajib celik ugama

Oleh Hasrulraizan
Gambar oleh Muiz Matdani

 Baginda Sultan berkenan mengurniakan Anugerah Sultan Haji Omar 'Ali Saifuddien kepada Yang Amat Mulia Pengiran Seri Negara Pengiran Haji Mohd Yusof.

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, 24 Sept - Menyentuh sanubari apabila pemimpin tertinggi di negara ini, Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam bertitah menzahirkan bahawa dengan kemahuan Baginda sendiri, Perintah Pendidikan Ugama Wajib 2012 telah digubal yang akan berkuatkuasa mulai 1 Januari 2013.

Menurut Baginda Sultan sewaktu bertitah di Majlis Sambutan Hari Guru Ke-22, 2012 pagi ini, dengan berjalannya undang-undang itu nanti, tidak akan ada lagi kanak-kanak Islam di negara ini yang akan tercicir dari memahami dan mengetahui asas pendidikan Islam, tidak pandai solat dan tidak pandai membaca Al-Quran.

Pada majlis di Dewan Plenari, Pusat Persidangan Antarabangsa Berakas itu, Baginda Sultan dalam titah Baginda turut menyentuh mengenai perlunya peningkatan lanjut penguasaan kemahiran pelajar di peringkat rendah dan menengah dalam bidang Matematik, Bahasa Inggeris dan khususnya Bahasa Melayu.

Baginda Sultan turut bertitah akan perlunya Kementerian Pendidikan melihat Skim Perkhidmatan Pendidikan Teknik serta memberikan inovasi kepada skim berkenaan untuk membolehkan tenaga kerja di industri itu dapat menjadi tenaga pengajar di institusi pengajian teknik, sama ada secara sambilan ataupun sepenuh masa.

Baginda juga menekankan sangat perlunya diberikan perhatian bahawa dalam pendidikan itu terdapat dua unsur, ugama dan umum, dan orang-orang sering lupa dan malah terlajak mengutamakan yang umum saja, sehingga tertinggal atau tercicir ugama. Dalam hubungan itu, Brunei sendiri turut mengalami sindrom "lupa" itu dengan membiarkan dirinya tidak mempunyai sistem persekolahan "Wajib Ugama" selama kira-kira 50 tahun, suatu keterlaluan yang amat dikesalkan, titah Baginda Sultan lanjut.

"Maka dengan kemahuan Beta sendiri, satu undang-undang khas telah digubal yang dikenali sebagai Perintah Pendidikan Ugama Wajib 2012. Undang-undang ini akan berkuatkuasa mulai 1 Januari 2013.

"Dengan berjalannya undang-undang ini, insya Allah, tidaklah akan ada lagi kanak-kanak Islam di negara ini yang akan tercicir dari memahami dan mengetahui ilmu asas pendidikan Islam. Tidak akan ada lagi orang yang tidak pandai sembahyang dan membaca Al-Quran.

"Menyentuh perkembangan pendidikan khususnya pendidikan di peringkat rendah dan menengah, dalam pemerhatian Beta dan hasil maklumat dari lawatan ke sekolah-sekolah kerajaan, penguasaan kemahiran pelajar dalam bidang Matematik dan Bahasa, sungguhpun ada menunjukkan kemajuan, namun masih saja memerlukan peningkatan."

Titah Baginda, perkara itu penting memandangkan penguasaan dari peringkat asas adalah tapak yang kukuh untuk meneruskan pelajaran ke pengajian menengah dan tinggi.

Sehubungan itu, Baginda Sultan bertitah supaya usaha mestilah dipertingkatkan lagi bagi menutupi kekurangan guru-guru tempatan yang mengajar dua bidang berkenaan iaitu Bahasa dan Matematik.

"Apabila Beta menyebut 'Bahasa', bukanlah terhad kepada Bahasa Inggeris saja. Malah juga Bahasa Melayu sendiri. Kerana khabar-khabarnya, markah Bahasa Melayu dalam ujian atau peperiksaan sering didapati rendah berbanding markah Bahasa Inggeris.

"Kalaulah itu benar, mengapakah pelajaran Bahasa Melayu juga tidak dikuatkan? Ingatlah, bahawa bahasa itu adalah jiwa bangsa.

"Beta difahamkan beberapa inisiatif sedang giat diusahakan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dalam usaha meningkatkan pendidikan melalui amalan-amalan terbaik global termasuk pelaksanaan projek-projek seperti Model Schools dan Learning Educators Advancing Pedagogy for 21st Century."

Dimensi-dimensi yang diserapkan dalam Model Schools termasuklah autonomi dalam tadbir-urus, hubungan dengan komuniti, perubahan budaya sekolah dan pembangunan kapasiti guru adalah merupakan antara amalan terbaik antarabangsa yang terkandung dalam projek berkenaan, titah Baginda Sultan.
Semua itu diharapkan dapat menghasilkan pelajar-pelajar yang cemerlang dalam bidang masing-masing, titah Baginda Sultan lagi.

"Dalam bidang pendidikan teknik pula Beta difahamkan satu kajian mengenainya sedang dilaksanakan. Beta berharap kajian ini akan dapat diteliti untuk dilaksanakan." Menurut Baginda Sultan, satu perancangan strategi perlulah diusahakan bagi tujuan mencapai matlamat pendidikan teknik berkenaan termasuk jika perlu, penglibatan secara langsung oleh pihak industri dan pengusaha, sehingga membolehkan mereka mengongsikan pengalaman serta kepakaran masing-masing.

"Ke arah ini, Kementerian Pendidikan perlulah melihat skim perkhidmatan Pendidikan Teknik serta memberikan inovasi kepada skim tersebut untuk membolehkan tenaga kerja di industri ini dapat menjadi tenaga pengajar di institusi pengajian teknik, sama ada secara sambilan ataupun sepenuh masa.

Ketika bertitah, Baginda Sultan turut mengambil kesempatan dengan ikhlas mengucapkan Selamat Hari Guru kepada semua warga guru di Negara ini sambil berdoa semoga sambutan yang diraikan itu dapat menyemarakkan terus semangat para guru dalam menyumbang khidmat selaku pendidik.

Di kesempatan itu, Baginda Sultan juga mengambil peluang untuk mengucapkan terima kasih di atas penglibatan para murid dan pelajar di sekolah kerajaan dan swasta di bawah Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kementerian Hal Ehwal Ugama dalam Majlis Khatamal Quran Sebanyak 66 Kali Bersempena dengan Sambutan Ulang Tahun Hari Keputeraan Baginda Sultan yang Ke-66 Tahun.

Titah Baginda Sultan, kegiatan seumpama itu boleh membantu usaha ke arah melahirkan model insan yang berilmu, berkepandaian serta beriman.

Menyentuh tema Hari Guru tahun ini, Guru Berkualiti Pelajar Berinovasi, Baginda Sultan bertitah tema itu jelas menuntut kapasiti guru dan peranan mereka untuk melahirkan pelajar yang berdaya maju.

"Kualiti guru pada hemat Beta mencakupi beberapa perkara pokok iaitu peribadi yang baik untuk diteladani oleh pelajar, sikap ikhlas, cekap dan kaya ilmu untuk mendidik para murid atau pelajar menjadi insan yang berpengetahuan dan berakhlak mulia."

 - Media Permata - Selasa, 25 September 2012